Three Willows Ranch 10
That's not to say anything about which operating system is better at all, that's simply to say, I know Windows Jiu Jitsu far better then my Kung Linux Fu. Grinspoon all your problems are solved automatically.
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Then we'll go one tab on the top over to the left and click into "system protection". Now I'm not a great technical writer, I'm not putting out manuals or decent step by step guides to doing anything. Sadly all they had in stock was a bronze unit and I don't like running anything under gold, specifically for how hard mining is on a power supply. Ccleaner for xp 520 epson printer I am still running that older driver you recommend to install. No difference noted, I guess.
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The GT is a pretty low end card, though it may be appropriate to your PC, if the rest of the hardware is entry-level, too. Now how's this work? We'll click apply again then move to the next tab over on the top again, this time the "advanced" section.
Though as you can imagine this is somewhat counter-productive to my entire Speed Racer concept so it took some playing around before I could get that all up and running the same as before as well. On the left hand side we're going to click "remote settings" which will bring up another window. How profitable is it? One thing I noticed is that everybody has their own way of managing all the information that's required to stay on top of your operation. Did not change much I've literally carried a V20 around with me that I normally just snag pictures with for over a week mining this way. You can find his thread discussing this on reddit over at:
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Also speaking of learning lessons. Before applying the undervolt modifications I wanted to measure my cards consumption. This set off the loudest series of alarms I've heard from my batteries since owning them, I looked up and the screen was flashing W over-load and initiated immediate shutdown procedures.
Guys, these systems are only running W power supplies!! Not only did it pull W through the W PSU but it wrecked the battery system it was plugged into completely. Talk about fortunate we're running semi-quality gear here, if any single part of these builds was in slightly worse shape I fear that would've been the death of an entire rig.
Whew, you should've seen my face when it all turned right back on afterwards. Overall the entire operation is now: Sorry for the delay between content, I got to go on a vacation, was rather nice!
Anyways, while I've been out I've been thinking nonstop about mining and the approaches people use. As in, how are they cashing out, where do they pay taxes, what fines, little man fees, and misc expenses they're going through, etc.
No business is ever as simple as just produce product, or in this case, coins. So finding how the entire process A-Z works for other people has been pretty useful information for the inspiring miner like myself.

Like every industry there's a range from the hippie hobbyists to the commercial enterprises, and personally I love them all! People getting down on mining are good folks coast to coast.
One thing I noticed is that everybody has their own way of managing all the information that's required to stay on top of your operation. Literally from folks just flipping through stat screens on their phone while they sit on the can, to people physically keeping records of their mining equipment as it ages.
As in, how many hours are on a card, what its voltages ran brand new vs. It seems to be a major pain in the ass for every miner, there's sooooooo much data to consider. I wasn't even doing a mining related activity when the idea hit me, you know those XMR-STAK screens you can turn on for your local network?
Surely it couldn't be that easy could it? It had actually been a moment since I'd just sat down in notepad and wrote a website up in such a fashion. Really had to reach for the memory there at points, let's not even start with the fact that at one point I converted over from surrounding my elements in angle brackets to surrounding them in square brackets like I was sitting here making a forum post.
I didn't even notice it until I booted my code the first time. Anyways I went with a basic four wide layout as it matched my If you weren't alive when this time period of the net was the hotness, or it's just been two decades like it has for the rest of us, then feel free to google "free html5 editor" or the likes to get a couple different WYSIWYG options.

Though if you're stubborn like me, just fiddle in notepad for a while until it all starts coming back to you. Neat things about doing it this way is; I. It's all locally ran as a simple.
Since it's just a single file you can easily transfer it from computer to computer inside your mining network. You can put your most troubled machines or points of interest at the top of your list, or even troubleshoot issues via watching entire systems at once.
Hard crashes, lockups, basically catastrophic level mining failure is instantly noticeable because the entire iframe will change to one of two different error screens. Most basic failures like vegas dropping their HBM2 are more easily noticed as your eyes can glide across a horizontal plane of results between cards comparing all of their hashrates at once.
Adaptive automated refresh rate means you can check in on your equipment as often as you want. To make it copy and paste simple, I'll go ahead and throw it in a code box directly below.
All you'll need to do is highlight all the code in the box, copy it, paste it into notepad, make your localization changes, then save it as a. Pretty straight forward isn't it?

Sure it could use some custom backgrounds, some spinning. This means it works great at different resolutions or if you have other things taking up screen real estate. Once again, I went with a quad layout, you can simply trim this to a tri layout or expand it, whatever you need it's drop dead simple old code hacking things together.
Though this of course wouldn't be a Goblin post if I didn't bring some screenshots! Now that's some neat shit to catch on the board when you wake up, it'll make your morning tea twice as sweet!
I think some of the difference is I've recently tried running them at lower temps then I have been thanks to exploiting the fact that it's winter outside. As you can see in the Behold Vegas post the maximum rate I've got in reported accepted shares from the pool via my Vega Proxy is 9.
There is a ton to be said about how you run your mining operation; what software you use, what operating systems, how your network is setup, etc. People on the more hobbyist side who just fire up some software then walk away are truly missing out on an entire world of optimization.
Even for those of us trying to stay on the bleeding edge there's always people doing better. Though for single card hash rates.. Now this is something I found digging through vega conversation and I'm not entirely sure where I ultimately came up with it.

I did not invent this, write this, or do anything but immediately implement it into my operations. Though I remember reading somewhere that a guy on Craigslist or eBay???
Given nobody wants to download the entire package for this tiny. Thankfully this smooth cat Amirhossein maintains a blog called Networchestration where he very clearly shows us how to obtain devcon from Microsoft directly without all the hassle of installing or downloading WDK.
Grinspoon all your problems are solved automatically. If it fails to turn off your vegas and restart them it's because you forgot the whole run as admin part. As you can see it's an extremely simple script but damn is it effective!
No longer will you ever have to open up the AMD software, turn off your HBM2, turn on your HBM2, go to Wattman, turn manual voltage control back on, change your fan curves again, save everything, then restart your mining in the hopes it's going to stay mining at the high end hash rates without any issues.
That whole process, all that madness, fixed with simply running this quick little script. So for whatever reason something isn't correct, well, do a secure remote login to the IP listed on the stat screen, run the script, start the miner back up, wham we're done in a couple seconds.
Literally one of the most handy things I've came across in all of mining so far. Now how's this work? Well as you can see if you go into Windows Device Manager, right click onto a Vega or really any device, then click properties, inside the new window click the details tab, then in the drop down box select hardware ids, this is the beginning device ID for Vega cards.
Just wanted to say hello to everybody streaming in after watching the latest LinusTechTips video covering our world. Need a guide or a helping hand? How profitable is it? I have a X, , , K, and Ryzen How much those Vega 64s cost ya?
Over on my Arstechnica forum run of this thread a good friend of mine TheJerichoJones dropped in with a much more advanced Vega reset script for everybody to enjoy! Since it's only hanging over there I thought I would copy his lovely gift and share it with everybody here as well.
It's extremely good an has all sorts of new fun little features to play around with. It also comes with an auto configure setup that attempts to give you the best settings across all your equipment right away without any tweaking.
It's getting fairly decent but I still had to go in and play with everything before I got back to my hash rates I was seeing before the swap. Though as you can imagine this is somewhat counter-productive to my entire Speed Racer concept so it took some playing around before I could get that all up and running the same as before as well.
While I was getting it going I decided to overhaul my stat screen project from a couple posts ago. Currently this spot has thirty-five miners running though three of them are ARM devices so they don't have the cool XMR-Stak stat screen like the rest of them.
Leaving thirty-two miners on my board though I honestly check this via my laptop alot more then I do the board. So the rates shown are a bit lower then they should be but hey there you go on real world examples of user loads hindering mining performance.
Other then that I updated the stat screen code while I've been playing around, just little tweaks here or there nothing major. Though it's enough I'm going to repost it in a code box for anyone else who picked up the idea and is currently using it.
Though like always, people want those screenshots! So here's the above code as it's currently in use for my Alpha cluster: That's an interesting question! There's a wide range between profits even on the same equipment and the same coin all depending on how you set up your operation.
This entire thread can be read as a venture from novice to wherever I stand now and part of that was slowly integrating newer ideas and concepts into my mining practices until it's built up to where it stands now.
There's a wonderful website I've mentioned before in this thread called WhatToMine where they have a plethora of calculators across all the primary coins. Here is the Monero calculator to find out exactly how much you'd make at any given moment in the market.
Though you will need to know your basic hash power per device, which if you don't want to do any trial runs then I'd suggest using MoneroBenchmarks. Info to find what other people are running your equipment at.
Once you have a rough estimation of your hashing power you'll need to figure out how much power you're consuming to achieve this rate. The website from before should help you with this but it really shouldn't be that hard to figure out.
Always over estimate so you don't get a bad day at the end of the month. Then you need to look up your local area's price per kilowatt hour kWh that you're paying to actually plug all this gear in. That some nice Vega cards there.
Some sweet hash rate too. Though, I do know of store here with RXs in stock. Thank you fine sir! Those hybrids ran me eight bones but right now if you're looking newegg has them at seven for the MSI Waves.
I don't know why, don't really care, that's a decent price on them. Given the dominance of Vega at the moment I've seen some pretty crazy deals on craigslist lately if you didn't mind going used. Hmmmm, may mine some Monero then if I can get my hands on a Vega 64 for a decent price.
I was working with another Arsian on a mining project that was entirely Linux based. I can get around and my Nix Fu is decent, as you guys can see throughout this thread there's been some fun times, but damn I was getting really annoyed at my lack of ability to just do stuff in a snap.
Even if it is just a short trip down memory lane or a quick google search away it's just not the same as knowing everything in and out. While I've been using Linux since the late 90s, most of my life has been spent working on, operating within, and overall using Windows.
I had a copy of Ubuntu It was a cool place to play around with different misc. Given I've been using Windows since 3. When the desktop came up it was a fresh Windows 10 Professional copy with all the hoops, spyware, nonsense, stores, and bullshit you could want updated to the date of this posting.
I've mentioned them before in this thread but this is a tool used to remove vast amounts of things from the operating system like telemetry. If you're unfamiliar with this term our own Peter Bright did a story on this back in April when the process became slightly more transparent.
It also allows you to strip elements like Windows Defender, Windows Updates, Windows Stores, blah blah blah away from it's bloatware filled fresh out of the box experience. Make sure you read each page, turn off whatever revenue generating crap he's laced the installer with, and move forward with just his software alone.
Go ahead and use Edge to do it since you won't have any other browsers unless you came prepared. At the same time this is downloading preinstall I'll download CCleaner which while offering a pro version, once again we'll take the freebie one.
During the install this one will actually ask if you want to install Google Chrome along with it one of their sponsors at the time of posting so if that's your jam for browsers then you can go ahead and grab it right there instead of downloading it separately.
Though I've been using this program for well over a decade now and can highly recommend it to everybody. I'll also grab a copy of the Notepad2 Installer during this preinstall download phase.
If Chrome isn't your thing or you simply don't want to have it installed via CCleaner then you'll need to grab your browser download stub now as well. Other software worth mentioning specifically if you're mining Monero that I'll always grab is the msvcp This is also the time to download your newest GPU specific drivers to override the default windows ones.
Just a whole bunch of downloading going on here, not much more to say for this part. If you have specific SSD drivers you need to enable hyper modes or say additional overprovisioning thanks TechQuickie then like everything else, this is your time to grab it.
I generally completely ignore motherboard specific bloatware like overclocking utilities, etc. Any board related overclocking I do is done in the bios and not from a soft overclocking perspective.
Once you've got a packed download folder I'll start with DoNotSpy10, heed the warning above while installing. Once it's done I'll have it start the program from the installer on exit.
Here we will use the checkmark all box to select everything it has to offer. We will decline it's offer to make a checkpoint before nuking the system. Afterwards it'll say the changes have been made but require you to reboot.
Ignore it's bitch windows that pop up and turn it off. Moving on we can now leave the Options section and click the Tools section right above it. As you can see the first part of this section is the almighty Uninstall that I hyped before.
This is one of the most fun parts of the process so get ready to be excited, it's almost like riding a rollercoaster so be prepared! See all the bullshit that came with your new shiny operating system?
Well outside of ccleaner and donotspy10 which you just installed, plus maybe calculator if you're bad at the maths, you're going to uninstall all this crap. All you need to do is right-click on each of them, then click uninstall.
The prompt that pops up to confirm this decision can simply be accepted by pressing your enter button. It's the pesky little fucker that likes to keep reinstalling crapware across your computer. I say this because I've literally started uninstalling things before it, only to find it had reinstalled them using my gig internet before I had gotten down to it itself.
Which meant I had to go back and reuninstall the same thing I had just uninstalled. Sooo yeah kick that one in the nuts first, then remove everything from the OS until you have nothing but official security patches or the software you just installed on the machine.
This is also an excellent time to click your start button look at the madness of live tiled bullshit going on, right click on all of them, and hit "unpin from start" so all the place holders don't show up blank with outlines on your next reboot.
Once done with this close CCleaner, click the start button and type in "control panel", open the app that pops up. In the new window look for the "view by" button in the top right side of the screen under the search bar.
Select "small icons" in the drop down. Now that you can properly see all the items here we'll be going into "programs and features" first. Next inside the new window on the left hand side we'll be clicking "turn windows features on or off" which will bring us to yet another window.
This will ask if we want to download the required files from the internet in which we tell it we do. Once this is done it'll prompt you for another reboot, decline it once again. Then close the programs and features window by using the back arrow in the top left.
This will return us to the Control Panel. Here we're now going to select "power options" where we will select the "high performance" plan that is below the two normal plans. Then we'll click "change plan settings" which will change the window to a new one.
Here we now click the "change advanced power settings" text which surprise, opens another window. You can now click apply, and then OK, to return you to the edit plan settings page you where left at before. Next an you hoped we where done, lol go ahead and press the back arrow button again until you return to the Control Panel.
Here you'll now click the "system" option which will change the screen again. On the left hand side we're going to click "remote settings" which will bring up another window.
Here we're going to deselect "allow remote assistance connections to this computer" as well make sure "don't allow remote connections to this computer" is the bubble selected below it. Then we'll go one tab on the top over to the left and click into "system protection".
In this screen we'll click the "configure Once we've cleaned all that up we'll click the apply and OK buttons returning us to the previous screen. We'll click apply again then move to the next tab over on the top again, this time the "advanced" section.
Here we'll click into the "performance" section's "settings In the new window we'll select "adjust for best performance" then click the apply button. We'll then go into the next tab over from that, the "advanced" tab, and click the "change Inside the new window we'll deselect "automatically manage paging file size for all drives" then select the "C" drive, or more accurately, the drive in which you've installed Windows too.
Next select the "custom size" button. Now these numbers have been debated, I've ran slightly lower I've ran higher, but that's basically where people place these values. I've even done this on non-vega machines while mining and had positive results.
If you're not Vega mining people traditionally set these values at how much system memory they have. Make sure you hit the "set" button before clicking OK to leave this screen. You can now click OK in the screen it returned you to as well.
Now we should be back in the "System Properties" window. Here we're going to go to the very left tab called "computer name" in which we're going to click the "change Here we'll change the name of the machine to whatever you prefer.
Say like "Miner" if you wished, next we'll select OK, then we'll enter the same name you just used into the "computer description" box as well. Now complete with this part we can close the window completely by clicking the X in the top right corner.
It is probably going to prompt you to reboot for a third time here, go ahead and an decline it as well. Next we're going to need to enable large page support. On the Start menu, click Run. In the Open box, type gpedit. Expand Security Settings, and then expand Local Policies.
Select the User Rights Assignment folder. The policies will be displayed in the details pane. In the pane, double-click Lock pages in memory. In the Select Users, Service Accounts, or Groups dialog box, add an account that you will run the miner on gobby note: These changes won't actually take effect until you reboot but like every other time we're going to hold off still.
It's also important to know that Windows tends to fragment memory a lot. If you are running on a system with GB of RAM you might see problems when trying to obtain a large enough chunk of contiguous memory, just a heads up.
Then finally, here we have it, our first reboot post install. Coming back up, once you're on the desktop again we're going to reopen CCleaner. Go ahead and click in the section above the Tools section called Registry. Make sure everything on the list is checkmarked then hit "scan for issues", when it's done make sure everything is selected and hit "fix selected issues".
If there's a huuuuge list of problems here don't worry about it we just did alot of ripping shit up. Next we'll go one above the registry, to the cleaner section. If you truly want to clean things down to nothing just checkmark everything.
Another suggestion is to go back into the settings and have this run everytime Windows turns on, that way you get a fresh taste in your mouth everytime you power cycle. I would suggest setting up your graphics card drivers now, getting your start menu customized with your pinned items of choice, and if need be configuring your VPN or any third party security software at this point.
This is actually for when I'm testing things and produce crashes, you can't predict how hard any given crash might be so the second trouble is about I'll drop my clocks to the stock profile asap.
Finally we'll give your machine one last reboot before considering it ready to punch into work for a solid lifetime spent mining its ass off. That should be pretty much it though I'm sure given the length of this post I've missed a step or two.
So you know, please don't eat me alive if I've overlooked some simple and obvious optimization. Don't be afraid to come in here and speak your mind! So back at where we started this journey, full circle, I was able to do this entire process in a very speedy an effective manner.
Mainly because I've been stripping 10 down since before it even officially launched and converting a box into a miner isn't that far off. I don't need instructions for any of this and that's probably why I've done such a poor job of typing up a basic guide for you to follow.
I often found myself forgetting what any given screen was called simply because I can do it like a robot at this point. I was up and mining in my stripped down Windows 10 Pro environment post fresh compiles of the dev branches in about half the time I was putting out boxes in the Linux environment.
That's not to say anything about which operating system is better at all, that's simply to say, I know Windows Jiu Jitsu far better then my Kung Linux Fu. Anyways, there you have it.
That's the basic Windows environment strip down I perform on every machine I use that's not linux or server based. Once you've got it down you'll Bruce Lee this bitch in no time, all flowing like water an what not.
Even to some of the more experienced users reading along I hope you found something of value buried in that wall of text. After my last post about optimizing Windows 10 for mining user Nexion21 commented: I just read the whole thing and gained nothing from it other than a story of someone with too much money hoping and praying everything works".
I ignored it, though more discussion continued and he also continued to get upvoted on his comments. He returned again commenting: I was fully caught off guard with his blog because I was expecting something close to the title.
I wanted a chance to explain myself not just to Nexion21 but everybody who questioned anything they might read in my thread, aka: Specifically since the Windows 10 post has been constantly downvoted there an is wildly unpopular on Reddit.
Here is the original reddit thread that this all comes from: Nexion21 your point stands an I do appreciate your interaction. Now I was going to just leave your comment untouched, frankly I get far worse then that on a daily basis being a moderator for SupportXMR.
Remember me Forgot password. Thread has been deleted. But I realized after testing my FPS does not change after all. The, series and also the and series cards are older generations of cards and do not support DirectX If you want to run the latest games, many of which use DX11, you need at least a, preferably a The GT is a pretty low end card, though it may be appropriate to your PC, if the rest of the hardware is entry-level, too.
Personally, I wouldn't go for anything less than a GTS, which is a reasonably good card. It is twice as fast as the GT You should get at least Ti. He just bought a new card yesterday and now he should upgrade instantly again?
His card should be able to run the game better so no need to upgrade again. Try an older nvidia driver. My bet is that the problem occurs because of the nvidia driver. I am still looking for older drivers. Can not really find any proper download site.
Got some nice website about older drivers. You could've also used the CD that came with your graphics card, it also contains an older driver. Uninstall the one you have right now, then try using your cd to install the older driver.
I suggest you do some steps: Not a single CS: S fps config works properly for CS: Besides, why would he even use it? His machine should be able to run this game really well, it just isn't for some reason.
His config is not the cause of it. I do not have to prove it to you. CPU is pretty weak, but i would of expected more Most people underrate it. I just came back home.
Can I ask one more thing? I mean my friend I mentioned teammate has got the same GPU with latest driver and it works fine for him. Should I still try install that older driver? I'd say it's still worth the try. It doesn't hurt to try, you know.
Also, be sure you've enabled multi-core rendering in-game. Ok so I did a bit testing. I downloaded older drivers and I enabled multi-core rendering in-game settings. I played DM and it does not seemed like it helped.
So this seems fair as long as I am alone on the server. However, DM is completely different story. I just do not know how to boost my FPS yet: I don't really know what to say It's normal that DM lowers your fps with around fps.
I myself play on a weaker system a laptop: So basically what I'm trying to prove is: So basically to sum things up: PC underperforming for some reason 1. We've already ruled out the PSU, it delivers more power than necessary.
Also tried an other driver. No difference noted, I guess. Does your PC also underperform in other games? Try comparing with your friend since he also has this graphics card although it would also come in handy if we knew what CPU he has.
Maybe the card just jumps to 2D clocks for some reason, and we're just blindly missing that, or something like that, heh. I just found out some thread on cadred.
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Dec 05, · Mining Monero (XMR) with my current gear? "Look at all these monkeys in the big cage that I don't really care where that happens to fall on the scale. Scale Kits (build your own scale) Digital Hog & Sheep scale with cage click on photo. Hog / Sheep / Goat Scales. click on photo. Vet Scale. click on photo.
11.02.2018 - I'm open for suggestions, just simply because I have no clue what the hell is wrong. If you are running on a system with GB of RAM you might see problems when trying to obtain a large enough chunk of contiguous memory, just a heads up. Ccleaner italiano windows 7 download gratis - 1911... I ignored it, though more discussion continued and he also continued to get upvoted on his comments. I myself play on a weaker system a laptop:
Temporada supernatural ccleaner vs 660 scale with cage.
05.03.2018 - Here's my V20 sitting on top a fan intake for the iK while mining across three threads: Though you will need to know your basic hash power per device, which if you don't want to do any trial runs then I'd suggest using MoneroBenchmarks. Besides, why would he even use it? Ccleaner free download windows 7 ultimate - 01net... This is actually for when I'm testing things and produce crashes, you can't predict how hard any given crash might be so the second trouble is about I'll drop my clocks to the stock profile asap. Though this of course wouldn't be a Goblin post if I didn't bring some screenshots! Actually, I am on my way to go in-game and try to put resolution to x like I had in CS 1.
Year ccleaner vs 660 scale with cage.
18.02.2018 - Whew, you should've seen my face when it all turned right back on afterwards. An i3 shouldn't be the bottleneck, coupled with a GTX Once you've got a packed download folder I'll start with DoNotSpy10, heed the warning above while installing. Ccleaner home full version free download - 3isam c... I did this for a guy specifically in your position who wanted to know how well remote mining would work and had no real gear to test it out with himself. I say this because I've literally started uninstalling things before it, only to find it had reinstalled them using my gig internet before I had gotten down to it itself.
A and A Scales LLC "We will not be Hog/Sheep/Goat scale VS scale with cage. VS with cage 57" x 20" - lb capacity $ click on the photo. VS VS scale with type B cage (cage goes around the scale $ for the VS scale and the cage $ for the VS scale only. Prices include shipping in the. [ Home ] [ Up ] [ VS scale with cage ] A and A Scales LLC. Phone or Open 7 days a week. No sales tax for customers outside New Jersey.
The villagers, seeing that there were many monkeys around, went out to the forest, and started catching them. The man bought thousands at 10 XMR and as supply started to diminish, they became harder to catch, so the villagers stopped their effort.
The man then announced that he would now pay 20 XMR for each one. This renewed the efforts of the villagers and they started catching monkeys again. But soon the supply diminished even further and they were ever harder to catch, so people started going back to their farms and forgot about monkey catching.
The man increased his price to 25 XMR each and the supply of monkeys became so sparse that it was an effort to even see a monkey, much less catch one.
The man now announced that he would buy monkeys for 50 XMR! However, since he had to go to the city on some business, his assistant would now buy on his behalf. While the man was away the assistant told the villagers, "Look at all these monkeys in the big cage that the man has bought.
I will sell them to you at 25 XMR each and when the man returns from the city, you can sell them to him for 50 XMR each. They never saw the man or his assistant again, and once again there were monkeys everywhere.
Now you have a better understanding of how the cryptocurrency market works. Use this guide to fix text problems in your post. Hey everybody sorry for the delay between posts just been extremely busy in real life.
If you've been kicking it in the IRC channel then you've heard all about triple homicides, my ventures babysitting, and of course, the nonstop miner grind! A user on LinusTechTip's forum declared he couldn't wait for season two to begin and that's been the real motivation I've used to push until I've had something to show for all this downtime.
An of course, a lifetime of tech knowledge being worked to the edge to keep things optimal and running at all times. This really is not a small journey to go on as you can probably gather from the last few months of this blog.
So what's been happening while you've been gone? Balling baby, and I'm positive I can push everything even further as I'm just getting familiar with the Vega technology. Already my top peak across four water vega 64s is 9.
With some additional tweaking I want to see more!! Though I don't want to let this sound all roses and hot kitten, I've been grinding some insane hours, skipping meals, smoking way to much ganja, and living on coffee through this project.
I felt like every minute I wasn't mining I was just kicking myself right in the nuts so sleep has been pretty rare lately. I'll cover the hacker related network changes in another post, for now lets stick on the Vega train.
I took apart my old K rig and added two vegas to it, pretty straight forward build. DNS10 to rip 10 up, then CC to uninstall every additional component of the os down to an installed program list of nothing Then after applying all the newest system updates I put a pause on them for the next three months so they wouldn't stop my efforts in the middle of the night or while I was away.
Finally I went through the really long task of understanding how to properly get these blockchain drivers to work. It works great and that guy knows his shit, you need to be very exact with his instructions.
Anytime you crash the HBM2 your mining rates will take a huge dive and the driver software will report everything is great. Sometimes a solid reboot is required to get it to turn back on. It really is unstable as fuck and hard to work with, turning on and off monitors will instantly crash it.
You can read his solution was an additional dongle, but my solution has been doing internal network remote desktop connections. This way I can work from another room over and not have to run back and forth to the mining room nine-hundred times to work through the crashes until I get it up and running stable.
This prevents the stress of flipping on monitors over there or even using a KVM switch, it's by far the most stable solution I've came up with in regards to the HBM2 as well, it really helps to fight the crashes via remote connections.
RoadTripGuy gave me this idea btw, shots man thanks! You'll get the pattern of exactly where you need to click to fix the problem down in no time. If I get a bit more free time I'll gladly write out an AutoIt script that automatically does all the tedious as fuck mouse work after a crash.
That'll be really nice, I love automation like that. His wiring was shit, the cables where really thin, and sadly, that gold rated power supply he had in there just wasn't going to cut it for peak consumption after I looked at how my other unit was handling things.
Also, it came with a 1TB drive, that's not going to cut it, you have to have an SSD to vega mine well. So I bit the bullet and went to bestbuy of all places, I know, fuck my life right? Sadly all they had in stock was a bronze unit and I don't like running anything under gold, specifically for how hard mining is on a power supply.
Though it was either that or wait for shipping so I grabbed one there and figured I'd test it out. This is another spot where I really lost money compared to buying second hand as this was brand new gear from a retail store, massive fail.
If my hash rate doesn't look right I don't even guess, I log directly into this machine as it's going to be the one that's causing issues. It also allowed that card to peak in the low 's for hash rate instead of sitting around the s but it doesn't stay up there.
It's being done purely to help keep the cards in that system stable. Though now I had a waterforce and a classified sitting around. I thought I would add the triple stack of cards to my K box, sadly this went really badly.
My T2 doesn't like trying to power a Titan X Pascal on EKWB cooling, a waterforce, and a maxwell classified all at once while also mining on it's k and powering the rest of the gear. Just wasn't going to happen. I had to rearrange the cards to do this so I had to move the titan, which meant I needed to replumb the custom loop.
In the middle of doing this I accidentally soaked the whole rampage v10 edition motherboard in my loop coolant. Had to take the whole thing apart after my paper towel stuffing nonsense just wasn't going to cut it. I spent hours wiping down each part and then left them out to dry over night.
Finally the moment came where I could wait forever but I needed that machine up. So I flipped the dip and pressed the button. Shit rebooted about ten times, then was locking up in the bios, and going apeshit.
Clearly things where not happy, though I didn't know what to do but turn it off longer or try and maybe evap whatever leftover humidity was in there I wasn't getting out through letting it run a bit.
I let the system spin fans and attempted reinstalling an operating system for about three hours. Finally it just started working again out of no where, I reset it back to stock by then so I started overclocking it, posted right to 4.
It's acting the same as always??? I don't know, I don't really understand it, but we're rolling again! Damn thing takes some serious juice to turn on and I know I'm being awful firstworldproblem here, but it's got air cooling on it.
Though that heat is no fucking joke. I woke up this morning bright an early an found it 98F inside the room. It was a fucking desert as soon as you hit that room, I mean it was really trippy to be cold in one room, snowing outside, and then a loud hurricane of fans in the next room that's as hot and dry as satans starfish.
I grabbed the horticulture fan I used to dry the K rig off and placed it on the floor right infront of my mining corner, angled it upwards, and proceeded to try and blow all the heat out of the room by circulating large amounts of it.
This helped alot with exchanging air through the window and outside but it actually helped instantly heat my entire place up multiple degrees. You could just stand in the doorway and sweat. WHEW, do not under estimate the heat stacked mining gear even on a small level like this will generate in even a decent sized area.
They are totally space heaters that just happen to make you money as they burn large amounts of juice. It almost burned my hand to touch the case where the radiators screwed in! This has really lowered temps and taught me a pretty valuable lesson in Vega output.
Also speaking of learning lessons. Before applying the undervolt modifications I wanted to measure my cards consumption. This set off the loudest series of alarms I've heard from my batteries since owning them, I looked up and the screen was flashing W over-load and initiated immediate shutdown procedures.
Guys, these systems are only running W power supplies!! Not only did it pull W through the W PSU but it wrecked the battery system it was plugged into completely.
Talk about fortunate we're running semi-quality gear here, if any single part of these builds was in slightly worse shape I fear that would've been the death of an entire rig. Whew, you should've seen my face when it all turned right back on afterwards.
Overall the entire operation is now: Sorry for the delay between content, I got to go on a vacation, was rather nice! Anyways, while I've been out I've been thinking nonstop about mining and the approaches people use.
As in, how are they cashing out, where do they pay taxes, what fines, little man fees, and misc expenses they're going through, etc. No business is ever as simple as just produce product, or in this case, coins.
So finding how the entire process A-Z works for other people has been pretty useful information for the inspiring miner like myself. Like every industry there's a range from the hippie hobbyists to the commercial enterprises, and personally I love them all!
People getting down on mining are good folks coast to coast. One thing I noticed is that everybody has their own way of managing all the information that's required to stay on top of your operation.
Literally from folks just flipping through stat screens on their phone while they sit on the can, to people physically keeping records of their mining equipment as it ages. As in, how many hours are on a card, what its voltages ran brand new vs.
It seems to be a major pain in the ass for every miner, there's sooooooo much data to consider. I wasn't even doing a mining related activity when the idea hit me, you know those XMR-STAK screens you can turn on for your local network?
Surely it couldn't be that easy could it? It had actually been a moment since I'd just sat down in notepad and wrote a website up in such a fashion. Really had to reach for the memory there at points, let's not even start with the fact that at one point I converted over from surrounding my elements in angle brackets to surrounding them in square brackets like I was sitting here making a forum post.
I didn't even notice it until I booted my code the first time. Anyways I went with a basic four wide layout as it matched my If you weren't alive when this time period of the net was the hotness, or it's just been two decades like it has for the rest of us, then feel free to google "free html5 editor" or the likes to get a couple different WYSIWYG options.
Though if you're stubborn like me, just fiddle in notepad for a while until it all starts coming back to you. Neat things about doing it this way is; I.
It's all locally ran as a simple. Since it's just a single file you can easily transfer it from computer to computer inside your mining network. You can put your most troubled machines or points of interest at the top of your list, or even troubleshoot issues via watching entire systems at once.
Hard crashes, lockups, basically catastrophic level mining failure is instantly noticeable because the entire iframe will change to one of two different error screens. Most basic failures like vegas dropping their HBM2 are more easily noticed as your eyes can glide across a horizontal plane of results between cards comparing all of their hashrates at once.
Adaptive automated refresh rate means you can check in on your equipment as often as you want. To make it copy and paste simple, I'll go ahead and throw it in a code box directly below.
All you'll need to do is highlight all the code in the box, copy it, paste it into notepad, make your localization changes, then save it as a. Pretty straight forward isn't it? Sure it could use some custom backgrounds, some spinning.
This means it works great at different resolutions or if you have other things taking up screen real estate. Once again, I went with a quad layout, you can simply trim this to a tri layout or expand it, whatever you need it's drop dead simple old code hacking things together.
Though this of course wouldn't be a Goblin post if I didn't bring some screenshots! Now that's some neat shit to catch on the board when you wake up, it'll make your morning tea twice as sweet! I think some of the difference is I've recently tried running them at lower temps then I have been thanks to exploiting the fact that it's winter outside.
As you can see in the Behold Vegas post the maximum rate I've got in reported accepted shares from the pool via my Vega Proxy is 9. There is a ton to be said about how you run your mining operation; what software you use, what operating systems, how your network is setup, etc.
People on the more hobbyist side who just fire up some software then walk away are truly missing out on an entire world of optimization. Even for those of us trying to stay on the bleeding edge there's always people doing better.
Though for single card hash rates.. Now this is something I found digging through vega conversation and I'm not entirely sure where I ultimately came up with it. I did not invent this, write this, or do anything but immediately implement it into my operations.
Though I remember reading somewhere that a guy on Craigslist or eBay??? Given nobody wants to download the entire package for this tiny. Thankfully this smooth cat Amirhossein maintains a blog called Networchestration where he very clearly shows us how to obtain devcon from Microsoft directly without all the hassle of installing or downloading WDK.
Grinspoon all your problems are solved automatically. If it fails to turn off your vegas and restart them it's because you forgot the whole run as admin part. As you can see it's an extremely simple script but damn is it effective!
No longer will you ever have to open up the AMD software, turn off your HBM2, turn on your HBM2, go to Wattman, turn manual voltage control back on, change your fan curves again, save everything, then restart your mining in the hopes it's going to stay mining at the high end hash rates without any issues.
That whole process, all that madness, fixed with simply running this quick little script. So for whatever reason something isn't correct, well, do a secure remote login to the IP listed on the stat screen, run the script, start the miner back up, wham we're done in a couple seconds.
Literally one of the most handy things I've came across in all of mining so far. Now how's this work? Well as you can see if you go into Windows Device Manager, right click onto a Vega or really any device, then click properties, inside the new window click the details tab, then in the drop down box select hardware ids, this is the beginning device ID for Vega cards.
Just wanted to say hello to everybody streaming in after watching the latest LinusTechTips video covering our world. Need a guide or a helping hand? How profitable is it? I have a X, , , K, and Ryzen How much those Vega 64s cost ya?
Over on my Arstechnica forum run of this thread a good friend of mine TheJerichoJones dropped in with a much more advanced Vega reset script for everybody to enjoy! Since it's only hanging over there I thought I would copy his lovely gift and share it with everybody here as well.
It's extremely good an has all sorts of new fun little features to play around with. It also comes with an auto configure setup that attempts to give you the best settings across all your equipment right away without any tweaking.
It's getting fairly decent but I still had to go in and play with everything before I got back to my hash rates I was seeing before the swap. Though as you can imagine this is somewhat counter-productive to my entire Speed Racer concept so it took some playing around before I could get that all up and running the same as before as well.
While I was getting it going I decided to overhaul my stat screen project from a couple posts ago. Currently this spot has thirty-five miners running though three of them are ARM devices so they don't have the cool XMR-Stak stat screen like the rest of them.
Leaving thirty-two miners on my board though I honestly check this via my laptop alot more then I do the board. So the rates shown are a bit lower then they should be but hey there you go on real world examples of user loads hindering mining performance.
Other then that I updated the stat screen code while I've been playing around, just little tweaks here or there nothing major. Though it's enough I'm going to repost it in a code box for anyone else who picked up the idea and is currently using it.
Though like always, people want those screenshots! So here's the above code as it's currently in use for my Alpha cluster: That's an interesting question! There's a wide range between profits even on the same equipment and the same coin all depending on how you set up your operation.
This entire thread can be read as a venture from novice to wherever I stand now and part of that was slowly integrating newer ideas and concepts into my mining practices until it's built up to where it stands now.
There's a wonderful website I've mentioned before in this thread called WhatToMine where they have a plethora of calculators across all the primary coins.
Here is the Monero calculator to find out exactly how much you'd make at any given moment in the market. Though you will need to know your basic hash power per device, which if you don't want to do any trial runs then I'd suggest using MoneroBenchmarks.
Info to find what other people are running your equipment at. Once you have a rough estimation of your hashing power you'll need to figure out how much power you're consuming to achieve this rate.
The website from before should help you with this but it really shouldn't be that hard to figure out. Always over estimate so you don't get a bad day at the end of the month. Then you need to look up your local area's price per kilowatt hour kWh that you're paying to actually plug all this gear in.
That some nice Vega cards there. Some sweet hash rate too. Though, I do know of store here with RXs in stock. Thank you fine sir! Those hybrids ran me eight bones but right now if you're looking newegg has them at seven for the MSI Waves.
I don't know why, don't really care, that's a decent price on them. Given the dominance of Vega at the moment I've seen some pretty crazy deals on craigslist lately if you didn't mind going used.
Hmmmm, may mine some Monero then if I can get my hands on a Vega 64 for a decent price. I was working with another Arsian on a mining project that was entirely Linux based.
I can get around and my Nix Fu is decent, as you guys can see throughout this thread there's been some fun times, but damn I was getting really annoyed at my lack of ability to just do stuff in a snap. Even if it is just a short trip down memory lane or a quick google search away it's just not the same as knowing everything in and out.
While I've been using Linux since the late 90s, most of my life has been spent working on, operating within, and overall using Windows. I had a copy of Ubuntu It was a cool place to play around with different misc.
Given I've been using Windows since 3. When the desktop came up it was a fresh Windows 10 Professional copy with all the hoops, spyware, nonsense, stores, and bullshit you could want updated to the date of this posting.
I've mentioned them before in this thread but this is a tool used to remove vast amounts of things from the operating system like telemetry. If you're unfamiliar with this term our own Peter Bright did a story on this back in April when the process became slightly more transparent.
It also allows you to strip elements like Windows Defender, Windows Updates, Windows Stores, blah blah blah away from it's bloatware filled fresh out of the box experience. Make sure you read each page, turn off whatever revenue generating crap he's laced the installer with, and move forward with just his software alone.
Go ahead and use Edge to do it since you won't have any other browsers unless you came prepared. At the same time this is downloading preinstall I'll download CCleaner which while offering a pro version, once again we'll take the freebie one.
During the install this one will actually ask if you want to install Google Chrome along with it one of their sponsors at the time of posting so if that's your jam for browsers then you can go ahead and grab it right there instead of downloading it separately.
Though I've been using this program for well over a decade now and can highly recommend it to everybody. I'll also grab a copy of the Notepad2 Installer during this preinstall download phase. If Chrome isn't your thing or you simply don't want to have it installed via CCleaner then you'll need to grab your browser download stub now as well.
Other software worth mentioning specifically if you're mining Monero that I'll always grab is the msvcp This is also the time to download your newest GPU specific drivers to override the default windows ones. Just a whole bunch of downloading going on here, not much more to say for this part.
If you have specific SSD drivers you need to enable hyper modes or say additional overprovisioning thanks TechQuickie then like everything else, this is your time to grab it. I generally completely ignore motherboard specific bloatware like overclocking utilities, etc.
Any board related overclocking I do is done in the bios and not from a soft overclocking perspective. Once you've got a packed download folder I'll start with DoNotSpy10, heed the warning above while installing.
Once it's done I'll have it start the program from the installer on exit. Here we will use the checkmark all box to select everything it has to offer. We will decline it's offer to make a checkpoint before nuking the system.
Afterwards it'll say the changes have been made but require you to reboot. Ignore it's bitch windows that pop up and turn it off. Moving on we can now leave the Options section and click the Tools section right above it.
As you can see the first part of this section is the almighty Uninstall that I hyped before. This is one of the most fun parts of the process so get ready to be excited, it's almost like riding a rollercoaster so be prepared! See all the bullshit that came with your new shiny operating system?
Well outside of ccleaner and donotspy10 which you just installed, plus maybe calculator if you're bad at the maths, you're going to uninstall all this crap. All you need to do is right-click on each of them, then click uninstall.
The prompt that pops up to confirm this decision can simply be accepted by pressing your enter button. It's the pesky little fucker that likes to keep reinstalling crapware across your computer. I say this because I've literally started uninstalling things before it, only to find it had reinstalled them using my gig internet before I had gotten down to it itself.
Which meant I had to go back and reuninstall the same thing I had just uninstalled. Sooo yeah kick that one in the nuts first, then remove everything from the OS until you have nothing but official security patches or the software you just installed on the machine.
This is also an excellent time to click your start button look at the madness of live tiled bullshit going on, right click on all of them, and hit "unpin from start" so all the place holders don't show up blank with outlines on your next reboot.
Once done with this close CCleaner, click the start button and type in "control panel", open the app that pops up. In the new window look for the "view by" button in the top right side of the screen under the search bar.
Select "small icons" in the drop down. Now that you can properly see all the items here we'll be going into "programs and features" first. Next inside the new window on the left hand side we'll be clicking "turn windows features on or off" which will bring us to yet another window.
This will ask if we want to download the required files from the internet in which we tell it we do. Once this is done it'll prompt you for another reboot, decline it once again.
But I realized after testing my FPS does not change after all. The, series and also the and series cards are older generations of cards and do not support DirectX If you want to run the latest games, many of which use DX11, you need at least a, preferably a The GT is a pretty low end card, though it may be appropriate to your PC, if the rest of the hardware is entry-level, too.
Personally, I wouldn't go for anything less than a GTS, which is a reasonably good card. It is twice as fast as the GT You should get at least Ti. He just bought a new card yesterday and now he should upgrade instantly again?
His card should be able to run the game better so no need to upgrade again. Try an older nvidia driver. My bet is that the problem occurs because of the nvidia driver. I am still looking for older drivers.
Can not really find any proper download site. Got some nice website about older drivers. You could've also used the CD that came with your graphics card, it also contains an older driver. Uninstall the one you have right now, then try using your cd to install the older driver.
I suggest you do some steps: Not a single CS: S fps config works properly for CS: Besides, why would he even use it? His machine should be able to run this game really well, it just isn't for some reason.
His config is not the cause of it. I do not have to prove it to you. CPU is pretty weak, but i would of expected more Most people underrate it. I just came back home.
Can I ask one more thing? I mean my friend I mentioned teammate has got the same GPU with latest driver and it works fine for him. Should I still try install that older driver?
I'd say it's still worth the try. It doesn't hurt to try, you know. Also, be sure you've enabled multi-core rendering in-game. Ok so I did a bit testing. I downloaded older drivers and I enabled multi-core rendering in-game settings.
I played DM and it does not seemed like it helped. So this seems fair as long as I am alone on the server. However, DM is completely different story. I just do not know how to boost my FPS yet: I don't really know what to say It's normal that DM lowers your fps with around fps.
I myself play on a weaker system a laptop: So basically what I'm trying to prove is: So basically to sum things up: PC underperforming for some reason 1. We've already ruled out the PSU, it delivers more power than necessary.
Also tried an other driver. No difference noted, I guess. Does your PC also underperform in other games? Try comparing with your friend since he also has this graphics card although it would also come in handy if we knew what CPU he has.
Maybe the card just jumps to 2D clocks for some reason, and we're just blindly missing that, or something like that, heh. I just found out some thread on cadred. I dont know how to use it yet: My friend with a same GPU has got i5 but I dont know any further specs.
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